Welcome to my book of shadows. Slowly but surely, I'm adding new information.

Wheel of the Year

I work with the Wheel of the Year, but a modified version. While we have to acknowledge that the Wheel is a 20th century invention, it's also a very useful tool that has brought people together across many different traditions. Here are some of my notes that you can use to create your own traditions.

The Spirits

  • Ancestors
  • If you're trying to figure out where to start building a practice, I suggest starting with your ancestors. We've all got some and I'd say they're the easiest to get to know.

  • Land wights
  • There's a lot of names for the spirits of the land. You'll meet them in a lot of different forms. I've met some that could be goddesses, I've met some that look like ancestors, and there's plenty more in between. They're important allies, but can be tricky.

  • Saints and Guides
  • This section used to be called Deities, but I felt like that wasn't actually reflected in my practice. So instead, this'll be a section for those Capital Letter spirits who show up regularly.

    Ritual, Offerings, and Prayer

    The best advice I can give is figure out the fundamentals of ritual. If you know what you're doing and why, you can come up with something for any occasion. Here are a few of my thoughts and book recommendations.